Get attention for your online survey

mental health surveySomething new on the blog: Have your online survey posted!

The new Surveys page will show current online questionnaires on trauma recovery and related topics.

Many thanks to guestblogger Betty Lai for asking me whether I could promote her current online research (see below). It seemed so obvious that we should have a page for that.

If we help each other in spreading the word via Facebook, Twitter, and good old emails, that should lead to increased response rates. If you know good forums to draw attention to surveys, please share them in the comments.

I hope that it will give some of the readers of this blog, who follow it because of their own experiences, the opportunity to have their voice heard.

And for academics and clinicians it will be valuable to see what research is being conducted. Who knows, maybe you’ll find out about an intriguing new intervention or you’ll team up with someone who does similar research on the other side of the world.

Currently recruiting participants:

The Military Project Survey
We are trying to understand stressors faced by people in the military, and how these stressors might be related to physical and psychological health. In order to study these questions, we are inviting you to participate in an online study. The study will take about thirty to forty minutes. Participation in the study is anonymous.

Participants sought:
In order to be eligible to participate in the study, you must be an active duty, reserve member, veteran, or retired member of the United States Armed Forces, between the ages of 18 – 65 years, and speak English.

The link to the survey site:
The Military Project Survey

Study contact:
Betty Lai, Ph.D.
Project Coordinator and Co-Investigator
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Miami

For specifics on posting your online survey, see the Surveys page.

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